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Featured Videos

  • White House Cervical Cancer Forum

    On Thursday, January 25 2024, the Biden Cancer Moonshot hosted a forum marking Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and spurring action on education, prevention, early detection, and treatment. The forum began with patient survivors and advocates like co-founder Eve McDavid sharing lived experiences to ground the forum priorities.

  • Assessment of NIH Research on Women's Health

    The Assessment of NIH Research on Women’s Health aims to fill gaps in understanding of women's health research and analyzes how much funding is allocated to research on conditions that affect women specifically or are more common among women. Co-founders Eve McDavid and Dr. Onyinye Balogun joined the forum on March 7, 2024, to discuss cervical cancer trends, barriers to improving outcomes, and a comprehensive strategy for addressing these challenges.

  • New York Presbyterian Cervical Cancer Awareness Campaign

    Just a few weeks before co-founder Eve McDavid gave birth to her son, her team at NewYork-Presbyterian discovered a rapidly growing tumor that they determined was Cervical Cancer. After an immediate C-section, her team devised a comprehensive chemotherapy and radiation treatment plan. Today, Eve is in remission and back home with her family.

  • Conquering Cervical Cancer

    Conquering Cervical Cancer is a feature documentary released January 2024 with a soaring ambition: to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer for every woman and girl in the USA and beyond. Conquering Cervical Cancer addresses health disparities, barriers, and challenges faced by women in the US and how industry, non-profits, and grassroots organizations can unite to achieve cervical cancer elimination.

  • Brooklyn Artist Diagnosed With Breast Cancer Hosts Art Class to Help Other Patients

    News 4’s Gilma Avalos takes us to Brooklyn to see how one cancer patient is using art to help herself and others.

Featured Podcasts

  • Cancer Crusader: Challenging the Current State of Gynecologic Cancer

    Co-founder Dr. Onyinye Balogun has a vendetta against cancer. After losing a close family member to the disease, she vowed to be part of the solution. Since then, Dr. Balogun has brought better radiation therapy to middle and low income countries, kicked off a genomic study to crack the code on cancer disparities, and has partnered with co-founder Eve McDavid to redesign brachytherapy devices to improve the experience of patients with gynecologic cancers.

  • This is not a Drill: Cervical Cancer is Curable, but Treatment is Often Too Painful to Survive

    Co-founders Eve McDavid and Dr. Onyinye Balogun join the Havas Health Podcast “Breaking The Code” on June 13, 2024, to discuss women's health and cervical cancer, highlighting their current focus: their treatment tool called The Blossom, a medical device used in Brachytherapy, internal radiation procedures that cure Cervical Cancer.

Featured Articles

  • After surviving cervical cancer, I’m teaching my kids about sexual health to save their lives

  • World-Class Care for a Young Mother Facing Cervical Cancer

  • They used chemical hair straighteners, then lost the ability to have children

  • An Urgent Call for Cervical Cancer Elimination: Fund Innovation Now

  • Weill Cornell Medicine Newsroom: Shining a Light

  • Commentary: Global Oncology Achievements Should Be Considered for Academic Promotion

  • In Brief: How to Reduce Potential Disparities in Cancer Treatment Arising from COVID-19

  • Inaugural Mastercard Pilot Grant Program Recipients Selected

  • 2022 Biomedical Business Plan Challenge Showcases Promising Startups

  • I was diagnosed with cervical cancer while 35 weeks pregnant. It was hard to get over the shame of an HPV-related cancer.

  • Radiation Oncologist Partners with Enterprise Innovation to Improve Women's Health Technology

  • Shaping the future: Women's health at forefront of health care leadership symposium

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